Author: Ivana Stojanovskа

Skopje, 19 February 2024 – For the needs of the Coordinating Body for monitoring compliance with the Code of Conduct in the Online Sphere during Electoral Processes and Referenda, a promotional video was produced explaining the possibility for the citizens to submit a complaint should they notice any spread of disinformation, hate speech, discrimination on any grounds, abuse of personal data or other forms of unethical conduct on the Internet. The video is available at the following link


On February 12, 2024, a constitutive meeting of the Coordinating Body was held in the premises of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, which will act according to the Code of Conduct in the online space during election processes and referenda. At the meeting, Saše Dimovski from the Association of Journalists of Macedonia was voted for coordinator and Olivera Vojnovska from the Metamorphosis Foundation for deputy coordinator of the Coordinating Body. Among other things, the meeting discussed the draft rules for the work of the Coordinating Body for reporting and acting on petitions during election processes and referenda,…


The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, the Macedonian Institute for Media, the Council for Ethics in the Media of Macedonia, the Institute of Communication Studies and the “Metamorphosis” Foundation signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on 29  September 2023, designed to regulate mutual cooperation related to monitoring the conduct and actions of a number of stakeholders in the online sphere during electoral processes and referenda. The Memorandum elaborates in more detail the mode of operation of the Coordinating Body for Receiving and Acting upon Complaints concerning the conduct of political parties, their candidates,…


On 12 October 2023, starting at 12:00 hrs, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services shall launch, in co-organization with the OSCE/ODIHR, a Code of Conduct in the Online Sphere during Electoral Processes and Referenda. The Code was prepared at the Agency’s initiative, in cooperation with the relevant institutions in the field: the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, the Macedonian Institute for Media, the Council for Ethics in the Media, the Institute of Communication Studies and the Metamorphosis Foundation. Expert assistance from OSCE/ODIHR was used in the drafting process. Presented at the event shall be the mode of  operating…